Grow & Make
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2143 NE 12th Ave Portland, OR 97212 (503) 957-1418 support [at] growandmake [dot] com
The Online Guide to Sustainable Living. We provide insights, articles, reviews and videos which provide consumers with information for making sustainable decisions. Many of our articles tell consumers how to make their own home and garden products.
Sustainable Qualification Summary
Grow and Make was founded in 2008 in Portland, Oregon (a hub of sustainable living) by Will Johnston and Clay Anderson who were seeking more practical and informed ways to live sustainably. 100 Years ago people would grow and make most of their required needs for day to day living. In our modern world we have moved away from growing and making, and instead consume rather blindly without thought as to how products are manufactured, arrive in our homes or the longevity and reusability of a product.