Greenwash Prevention
green·wash v: The spread of misleading information by an organization in regards to environmental practices or environmental benefits of the entire organization, product and/or service.
GreenPosting reduces the amount of greenwash through the empowerment of both posted businesses and those members in the GreenPosting Neighborhood that rate a review using the Greenwash Scrub.
Greenwash Prevention Achieved On GreenPosting
1. The Sustainable Qualification Summary is a published paragraph written by posted companies explaining facets of their business that make their company green-leaning, sustainable, and/or help provide a healthy living.
2. The Greenwash Scrub empowers those that use GreenPosting to review and rate posted businesses. The rating system is broken down into 4 fields with a handful of subcategories to help define that field. They are Sustainable, Overall, Localness, and Community.
3. The Earth Oath must be accepted by each company prior to approval. “Our company swears that the information provided is true and accurate. We aren't knowingly misleading the public and we are against any form of greenwashing. If GreenPosting or the public feels different then we will kindly remove our Posting. Also, in checking this box you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of GreenPosting.”
4. GreenPosting reviews each posting before being a posting is approved. If necessary, further research is conducted on a company, further explanation of their Sustainable Summary is requested, and we will contact them directly
Not every company on GreenPosting is completely “sustainable.” However, they all have many green-leaning attributes. Ultimately, the public has the final say on which postings earn the right to be on GreenPosting through ratings, reviews, and general feedback.