GREEN FOCUS: Cool Things That Are Green
Eco Apprentice Unites Businesses & College Students To Reach Sustainable Goals 2/22/2011A recently launched, interactive website unites businesses and college students in an ongoing effort to better the environment. is the brainchild of Richard Halpern, a public high school counselor who drew on 15 years of experience in education to combine two of his passions‚ sustainability and career based education.
EcoApprentice will foster collaboration between college students and businesses in the implementation of sustainable goals. Participating businesses and nonprofits will post EcoChallenges, while students enrolled in participating colleges and universities will post EcoSolutions. This practical collaboration could lead to earning college credits, career based learning experiences and future employment contacts for the students. Moreover, businesses could gain improved efficiency, new ideas and increased profitability.
Read the rest about Eco Apprentice on Green Living Journal - PDX
GreenPosting and the Green Living Journal - PDX have partnered to share local sustainable content.