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GREEN FOCUS: Cool Things That Are Green
BEST Business Center awards Portland Climate Champion to Clean Air Lawn Care1/20/2010Portland, Ore - Some businesses go above and beyond with recycling, and others go even further to reduce their carbon emissions. Clean Air Lawn Care recently earned the BEST Business Center’s new “Portland Climate Champion” recognition. To earn this honor, Clean Air Lawn Care staff completed the Portland Climate Champions application and demonstrated their carbon reduction efforts during an onsite verification visit with the BEST Business Center’s sustainability advisors.
To achieve Portland Climate Champion status, Clean Air Lawn Care improved the energy efficiency of their business operations, provided alternative transportation options for employees, and implemented a robust waste reduction and recycling program.
“Congratulations to Clean Air Lawn Care on becoming a Portland Climate Champion,” said Mayor Sam Adams. “We appreciate their leadership in taking a comprehensive approach to reducing their carbon emissions. Their initiative serves as a model for Portland’s business community and their efforts support the City of Portland’s goals towards dramatically reducing carbon emissions, as outlined in the City’s Climate Action Plan.”
Portland’s BEST Business Center streamlines access to financial incentives and technical assistance for greening business operations. These services are tailored to help each business conserve resources, improve efficiency, save money and provide a healthy and quality workspace for employees. The BEST Business Center created Portland Climate Champions to recognize businesses in Portland that have taken comprehensive, concrete actions to reduce their carbon emissions. The Climate Champion designation is valid for two years.
Clean Air Lawn Care is a lawn maintenance company that uses clean electric equipment. After a great deal of research into the underutilized technology, the business selected electric mowers, edger’s and blowers. The vehicles that haul this electric equipment stand out in a crowd due to the mounted solar panels which are used to charge the equipment during the workday. Not only is this equipment clean, it is also quiet. This year the owners have made the investment in an all electric truck to run the routes in Portland. The electricity to charge the truck is from wind power.
- Clean Air Lawn Care now offers Organic Lawn Treatments. It is safe for pets, children and the rivers.
- Outside of the electricity generated by the solar panels, all additional electricity used by Clean Air is purchased from a renewable energy broker. The wind power they purchase is used to power the lawn equipment and offices, qualifying the entire organization as carbon neutral.
- There is a lot of talk about global warming and decreasing our dependency on oil in this country right now. This is a simple way to positively affect both issues. Our primary mowers use no oil; create no air pollution, and less noise pollution. The entire business is carbon neutral. It is an easy change for a consumer to make to do their part for the environment. There is no reason not to do it.
- There are many reasons why people should consider the service:
- Small engines contribute 5-12% of the nation’s air pollution.
- 17 million gallons of gasoline are spilled each year by people filling up there gas mowers.
- Gas lawn mowers consume 580 million gallons of gasoline annually and 25-35% of this fuel escapes unburned.
For further information, please contact Todd Hepp, Owner and Partner of Clean Air of Portland, LLC at (503) 679-7418 or email: [email protected].
About the BEST Business Center
The BEST Business Center provides free tools and advice to help businesses in Portland, Oregon become more profitable and sustainable. It is a partnership of city and regional government programs and energy utilities, including the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City of Portland Water Bureau, Metro, Pacific Power, Portland Development Commission and Portland General Electric. www.bestbusinesscenter.org