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Engaging Press / Engaging Every Student LLC
Based on Greenwash Scrub Rating 3 user reviews · review this business
1536 NE Saratoga St. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 380-4140 http://www.engagingpress.com rick [at] engagingpress [dot] com
Founded by Portland author/illustrator/educator Rick Reynolds, Engaging Press publishes acclaimed activity books that teach kids about ecology and sustainability in enjoyable ways, including "The Evergreen Twins Activity Book: 40+ Eco-Activities, Games, and Outdoor Adventures" and "Marco the Molecule: Water Adventure and Activity Book." Filled with humor, the books include hands-on projects, puzzles, and illustrations designed for coloring.
We also produce custom educational resources and provide technical services including e-learning development, training and consulting through our parent company, Engaging Every Student, LLC. (www.engagingeverystudent.com)
Our latest partnership allows us to help schools and other nonprofit organizations raise money through amazing green fundraisers.
Contact us today to learn more!
Sustainable Qualification Summary
All products and services support our passion to protect the environment and raise ecological literacy by being as eco-friendly as possible. For example, we use 40-100% post-consumer waste recycled paper sourced as locally as possible. Even the spiral bindings are 100% recycled plastic produced locally. We provide retail stores with free stands made from 100% recycled paper or locally-sourced and sustainably-harvested wood.
Our latest investment in solar energy means that our home and office produce enough clean solar electricity to provide 100% of our yearly needs. We bike, walk, or use public transportation whenever possible.
We are proud to support our neighborhood, city, and state through involvement in our neighborhood association and various environmental and justice-oriented organizations, including the Environmental Educator’s Association of Oregon, for which we serve on the Board, and First Unitarian Church in Portland, which has a long history of service to the community.
Other User's Reviews
stacyjose 9/17/2012 |
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9/11/2012 |
Replica Handbags - What to Check When Shopping For Them
The current global economic crisis has got everyone trifling for cash. People are a lot more careful when it comes to spending money on luxuries like replica handbags and other fashion accessories. However the fact that we are going through difficult economic times does not mean that you have to compromise on your sense of style. Yes it would be foolish to spend thousands of dollars on acquiring your favorite designer bags. Instead you can acquire excellent replica handbags at a far more affordable rate.
Today the market is loaded with excellent replicas of the most popular designer
replica handbags. However not all replicas are of the same quality and many of them actually fall far below the standards set by the brand themselves. This is why it is important to be very selective and carefully observe each specimen when looking to buy replicas of the instead of the real thing.
When a designer label produces bags for sale it makes sure that all of them meet the high standards set by the company. However this cannot be said for those companies involved in the production of replica bags. More than often it has been noticed that replica as are made using cheaper quality materials as compared to the big fashion houses. Furthermore most of them seem to have less impressive stitching which greatly affects the look of the bag. You should keep an open eye out for sloppy stitching and flaws in the construction of the bag.
Other factors that demand your attention are the plastic dust covering as well as the coloring of materials used in the construction of the bags. Many of the cheap replicas have extremely poor quality plastic dust covering which fades away with the passage of time. Similarly a bad coloring job on the building materials can result in a good looking bag going ugly pretty soon. These are some of the most important factors that instantly give away that the bag is not original and is in fact a very cheap replica. Some unmindful individuals have actually purchased bags that have the tags spelt incorrectly which can be quite embarrassing.
All the above-mentioned aspects necessitate that you verify the source from where you will be buying your replica Fendi Tote Bags. Although the investment you make in these bags will not be as much as the amount of money people spend on acquiring the original handbags but you still wouldn't want to waste whatever amount you will be spending on acquiring something that is not worth carrying around. If you buy such bags from corner street markets then you will not even have the opportunity to return the bag and get its money back.
You have to be all the more careful if you will be buying replica handbags online. This is because you have nothing more than pictures and promises to verify the quality and standard of these bags. The wise thing to do would be to deal only with such websites that offer a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of their replica handbags.
Buy top quality replicaGoyard Bags from a trusted source at beubag.com. This website offers money back guarantee on its fake designer Fendi Tote Bags making it an extremely reliable source.
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