GREEN FOCUS: Cool Things That Are Green
Portland Downspout Disconnection Program Concludes 6/13/2011
Portland's Downspout Disconnection Program has disconnected its last downspout. City Commissioner Dan Saltzman and Environmental Services Director Dean Marriott disconnected the final downspout on Tuesday at a business in the Sellwood neighborhood.
The Downspout Disconnection Program's goal was to keep stormwater runoff from flowing into Portland's combined sewer system as a way to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Columbia Slough and rolex replica watches Willamette River. It was more successful than CSO program planners had dreamed.
"When the city started the program we really had no idea how well it would work or how significant its contribution would be," said Commissioner Saltzman. "But the program exceeded all our expectations."replica watches uk replica watches
Stormwater from many Portland roofs drains directly into combined sewers. Since 1993, the Downspout Disconnection Program is responsible for disconnecting about 56,000 downspouts at more than 26,000 properties. That keeps more than 1.2-billion gallons of stormwater out of the combined sewer system annually.replica watches replica watches
"This was the one CSO project that gave people the chance to take direct action to help reduce CSOs," said Dean Marriott. "Even though disconnections have ended, it's important now to keep all those downspouts disconnected to continue removing stormwater runoff from combined sewers"
The program staff is still available to give property owners who have disconnected downspouts help with repairs and maintenance and to do spot surveys to help ensure downspouts remain disconnected. More information about the program is available at
Written for GreenPosting