Unplug! Or, at least turn the power strip off. Appliances and chargers still suck energy from the outlet like a vampire when they aren’t in use.... more
Oregon Green News Recap From Last Week - VIDEOS 12/14/2010
A few news bits from the prior week that may have slipped through the reading cracks...Starting with.
12/10/10 :: The good ol' mortgage meltdown. It started the snowball for what we're going through economically and the world is feeling the pains 3 years after it started to slide. Oregon, to help its citizens, is launching a $100,000,000 initiative to help the unemployed and underemployed. Once the application is submitted on OregonHomeOwnerHelp.org, a drawing will be held for 5,000 homeowners. Winners receive 1 year of mortgage payments up to $20k. If you meet their qualifications, you have until January 14th to submit your application. Good luck, and god speed.
12/6/10 :: One of my favorite aspects of Portland are all the free activities the Parks & Recreation department organize. Stats from the 2010 summer of love 'er Summer Free for All tour.
• 17,000 people attended Washington Park Summer Festival
• 80,000 lunches were served to kids around Portland
• 42 screened movies totaled 40,000 viewers
The few other stats can be found on Nick Fish's page.
12/9/10 :: If you build it, they will come. Even if it's surrounded by 2 freeways and train tracks. A 30-acre plot of land is going to be transformed into NE mecca for outdoor activity. It'll be known as the Gateway Green Park. The GGP will be transformed to host mountain and cross bikes, families to picnic and play, and hiking trails for all to explore, exercise, and enjoy outside. It'll also feature wind and solar power. Check out this KGW video...
12/12/10 :: Videos are great...have you seen this one? It's the Metrodome collapsing under the weight of snow prior to the Giants vs. Vikings NFL game. Looks like it's from a movie.